Friday, March 05, 2010

Getting off my face(book)

I've commited facebook suicide. Well, that's not strictly true as, given I can return at any point, I suppose I've gone into a self induced coma.

The process was surprisingly easy. Which is only a good thing, given the probably miliions of facebook users forced into Cold Turkey.

It was aptthat as I was about to click the button that would finally unplug me from the 'matrix', I was presented with a handfall of people who were apparently 'going to miss me'. It's the virtual equivalent of them waving them me off as I sailed off into the sunset. Except my dearest friends, and closest family were nowhere to be seen, and it was people that well...people who I didn't know. I wanted an emotional send off, and I got a load of strangers.

So what now? My immediate urge was, 'I've left faceboook...I must update my status and tell- oh'. There in lies the problem. The very means by which I wanted to tell the world of my deed, was no longer available. It is at this point I resorted to the Methadone of social networking sites... Twitter.

So, it's been 2 hours. I haven't seen babies crawl alone the ceiling just yet.

Monday, March 01, 2010

The Future's Orange

Great work from comedian / producer Robert Popper.